Meet Laurie Foley

Your breakthrough moment has arrived!

Are you feeling trapped in a never-ending cycle of career indecision? Are the twists and turns of life leaving you bewildered?

If you nod along to those questions, you might be in the grips of the notorious fear loop. It’s a familiar place, isn’t it? That hesitation when you stand at the crossroads of your journey, not quite sure which path to take.

But guess what? Your breakthrough moment has arrived! 

Say goodbye to the anxiety and hello to a brighter future, because you’ve just stumbled upon your personal compass to success. 

Introducing Your New Partner in Progress!

No more hesitating, no more second-guessing – it’s time to take confident strides toward your dreams. Whether you’re seeking career clarity, life direction, or just a fresh start, I’m here to be your unwavering guide, every step of the way.

Don’t let fear hold you back any longer. Embrace change, empower yourself, and let’s journey together towards a life that’s not just ordinary, but extraordinary!

Ready to turn your dreams into reality?

From Corporate Trailblazer to Career Catalyst

I once had the privilege of working with one of the world’s most prestigious brands, and I’ll admit, I thought that was where my story began and ended. But then, something remarkable happened. A colleague, with a discerning eye for talent, paid me the ultimate compliment and saw something in me that I hadn’t yet seen in myself.

She encouraged me to step into uncharted territory – the dynamic world of recruitment. Little did I know that this would be the pivotal moment when my journey took an unexpected turn, setting me on a path filled with excitement, discovery, and endless opportunities.

Working in one of Boston’s top-tier recruitment agencies enhanced my ability to learn about people and help them establish connections that multiply into a network of possibilities. After a remarkable decade, I honed my skills in the art of human connection and discovered how to transform these connections into an expansive web of endless opportunities.

Eventually, life led me from diligently working for others in recruitment to the challenge of founding my very own recruitment agency, where I learned the ropes of entrepreneurship firsthand. 

Drawing from my extensive 28-year career journey in the recruitment industry, I’ve seen the ups and downs of the professional world, and I’ve been privileged to have had a real impact on the careers of so many people. But more than witnessing these things, my decades of experience have also allowed me to create fool-proof ways to guide you through life’s uncertain twists and turns.  

Now, it’s my time to help you make life and career choices that resonate with your goals and values through battle-tested and real-world strategies that will transform your life and set you up for success. 

Let me help you with that….

I understand what you’re feeling. Making those big, life-altering changes can feel like an uphill battle. But here’s the silver lining: When you decide to team up with me, you’re opening the door to a world of solutions and benefits that will ease your journey. Together, we’ll navigate those obstacles, break down those barriers, and carve a path toward the transformative life you’ve been craving. 

If you decide to work with me, here’s what I can promise you: 

Personalized Guidance

We’ll tailor your sessions to your unique needs and aspirations. No one-size-fits-all approaches here. It’s all about you and your journey.


We’ll work together to define your goals and create a clear roadmap to achieve them. No more feeling lost or uncertain about your path.


I’ll be your accountability partner, ensuring you stay on track and follow through on your commitments, helping you build the consistency you need to succeed.

Support and Encouragement

You’ll have a dedicated cheerleader in me. I’ll be there to provide motivation, boost your confidence, and help you overcome setbacks.

Tools and Strategies

You’ll be equipped with practical tools, strategies, and resources to navigate challenges, make informed decisions, and maximize your potential.

Life Enhancement

Our work together won’t be limited to your career. I’ll help you find balance and fulfillment in all areas of life, ensuring you experience holistic growth and satisfaction.


Laurie Foley, Professional Coach

Laurie Foley is a CPCC Certified Professional Career Coach and has been working in the recruiting industry for 28 years. She’s earned professional training certification in using the Myers-Briggs Strong Interest Inventory Tool, which she uses to better understand people and help them find the most suitable matches or solutions to their problems.

Her ultimate goal is to empower others to realize their full potential and achieve personal and career fulfillment through transformative decisions.

With Tailored Guidance, Comes Game-Changing Outcomes

Experience personalized coaching that leads to transformative and future-focused results.

Step 1

Let’s Touch Base

Let’s talk about what YOU want to achieve. What are your goals and aspirations? And where are you at with it right now?

Step 2

Assessment and Action Plan

We’ll dive into your strengths and craft a tailored action plan that empowers you to turn your dreams into a reality.

Step 3

Transition Without Regret!

You’ll feel relaxed and confident in taking the next chapters of your life, knowing that these decisions are aligned with your values and are not something you’ll regret in the future.

Here’s what they’re saying…

I highly recommend Laurie.

Laurie, who combines professionalism with kindness, is an excellent coach. She’s an amazing listener and she asks the right questions to get to the heart of the matter. All of this works, because she provides a safe space for sharing feelings and personal information. She uses this information to collaborate with you to develop a realistic, personalized plan with specific, incremental goals. I highly recommend Laurie.

Murray W.

Laurie truly listens

Laurie has been inspiration to me; both in career development & personal growth. She has an uncanny sense of ” hitting the nail on the head. ” Laurie truly listens & has opened my mind in a way I did not realize existed. Her advice has been monumental for me. I would recommend anyone who is interested in developing, changing or improving your daily life/ work habits for the better; meet with Laurie. She has helped me develop more confidence. I am a better version of me because of Laurie!

Karen P.

Find balance, regain hope, and create a better tomorrow.
It’s never too late to rewrite your story!